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The amazing legacy of Nancy Putnam

Nancy & George Putnam

Among the individuals who have left an enduring and indelible mark on the Preserve, Nancy Putnam stands out as a model of positivity and generosity. For decades, Nancy brought her wisdom and creativity to her work on our board of directors and as a member of the Asticou Azalea Garden Committee. 


The Preserve continues to grieve the loss of Nancy who passed away in November 2020, but her legacy lives on in two important initiatives through Nancy’s transformational bequest.  


A portion of Nancy's gift will be used to establish the Nancy B. Putnam Scholars Endowment Fund. This fund will support a variety of educational programs that align with the mission of the Preserve including staff professional development, internships, presentations by visiting experts, written materials, and community programs. In addition to establishing this new endowment fund, her bequest will provide crucial support for the Greenrock renovation project, revolutionizing the spaces that house our administrative offices, facilities crew, and natural lands team. Read more here.


Nancy and her husband George, who passed away in 2019, were summer residents of Seal Cove. Preserve Board Director Sam McGee remembered Nancy. “She was a wonderful combination of down to earth New England Yankee practicality along with being extremely encouraging and generous to the organizations and people she and George cared about. I am going to miss her friendship at the Preserve and common-sense approach to life — a great, positive example for all of us.” 


To learn more about making a gift to the Preserve through your will, visit our website or contact Kathryn Strand at


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