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Treasures of Thuya Lodge

With the Thuya Lodge closed this season, I, a long time Thuya Lodge docent, conducted a review of a 2008 inventory of the Thuya Lodge objects, archives, and photographs. I have always felt that I am a librarian at heart, my twin sister was the head librarian at the Calais Free Library, so doing this archival work gave me a real chance to be a “librarian” and use the research skills that I enjoy. I conducted the inventory of Thuya Lodge holdings on a room-by-room basis. I noted any changes in conditions or missing items and photographed a few new items that I found that were not in the inventory. I also added any historical information about the objects that was not in the record. I am happy to report that this inventory is complete! Over 400 objects left in the Lodge in 1928 at the death of Joseph H. Curtis, among them the beautiful John Rogers grandfather clock, the unusual Boule desk replica, and the heirloom commemorative braided wool rug, continue to be in the Lodge and in their original condition. The most challenging aspect of the work was locating the items to match the 2008 inventory because some items had been shifted to different rooms. The butler’s pantry inventory was the most detailed task. Betsy Hewlett, who has documented many of the Preserve’s archives, helped me remove each dish individually, match it to the inventory, and photograph it. We are pleased to bring a 12-year-old inventory up to date and share an accurate history with our visitors.

Helen Townsend, Docent - Thuya Lodge

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